The Ministry of Internal Affairs, Labour and Consumer Inspectorate, launched a ten-question long Consumer Poll – June 2022, as a way of collecting information on how consumers in the Cook Islands are coping with the hike in cost of living. The poll was shared via social media for a period of 2 weeks during the month of June, resulting in over 5000 views across the different pages. A total number of 319 respondents completed the poll. The key data collected summarized in three output (use attachment above) as follow.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs would like to thank the respondents for participating in the poll. The collected data provides a snapshot of the reality faced by our people in the current situation. As elsewhere across the world, increase in the cost of living is affecting daily lives of our families and most vulnerable. The responses provided demonstrates the need to explore interagency collaboration as well as private-public sector cooperation on how to help alleviate the pressure of increased cost of living. Some initiatives like free budgeting courses, price control on white square bread, fuel and gas as well as the recent increase in minimum wage are already in place. As the situation prolongs, it is timely to seek out other avenues to best respond to our community’s needs.
Next Consumer Poll will be released in the coming weeks. We encourage all our people residing in the Cook Islands to once again participate and encourage more of our community to have their contribution included in the next round.
For further queries, call 29370 , Labour and Consumer Inspectorate. Ministry of Internal Affairs.