The 2022 Minimum Wage Review started in April 2022. In accordance with the Employment Relations
(Review of minimum rate of pay) Regulations 2014, the Minister appointed the following members to
form the Minimum Wage Review Panel :
- Sandrina Thondoo – Chair, Director of Labour & Employment Relations – Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Tristan Metcalfe Senior Macroeconomist – Ministry of Finance and Economic Empowerment
- Tuaine Maunga Employee Representative, President – Cook Islands Workers Association
- Rebecca Tavioni Employer Representative, CEO Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce, Employer Representative
- Nga Teao-Papatua Community Representative
In determining the minimum wage rate for 2022, the Panel was guided by the following five criteria;
prevailing economic conditions in the Cook Islands (including COVID19 pandemic economic and social
impacts); income distribution (in the community); the need for protection for low-income earners; work
incentives; and public submissions.
The Panel would like to thank members of the public who participated in the discussions, and provided both
oral and written feedback.
Secretariat support was provided by Lazaro Unuka (Labour Inspector).
The review was made possible by the financial support provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
This report of findings and recommendations is presented by the Panel to the Minister for his consideration in setting the 2022 minimum wage rate.