Title: SP 10 Job Evaluation Workshop (SP means Strategic Pay the NZ Consultancy
company and 10 is the 10 Factors of evaluation)
Aim: To train both government and private sector to assess the value of a Job
Class: 16 in groups of 4 – reps from INTAFF, MFAI, PSC, Ombudsman, Airport
Authority, MAgric, ICI, OPM and BCI.
Teachers: Geoff Summers and John McGill of Strategic Pay+, NZ company
Result: Certificate in Job Evaluation following submission of assignment – 10 Job
assessments. Have about 2 weeks to complete.
Summary: Working In teams of 4, each group was given Job Descriptions to assess in
terms of 10 factors:
1. People Management
2. Education
3. Experience
4. Complexity
5. Scope
6. Problem Solving
7. Freedom to Act
8. Authorities
9. Interpersonal skills
10. Impact/results of decisions
This is a very complex system as each factor above has grades and numbers depending on different measurements. A final score is given and this will determine the value of your job. Whether your job has been correctly assessed.
A person who does not agree with their job assessment can ask for another review but only one more can be done.
- It is most important for you to know that all government job descriptions will be evaluated in future by Evaluators (see CINEWs today)
- The Evaluating Committee’s work is confidential.
Report by: Patricia Tuara-Demmke, Director of Labour